So, the challenge is you need to understand the basic philosophy of quantum physics to understand that everything is built in the same way. Therefore, it is logical that business organisations should be arranged in a mirror image of it.

As quantum physics is becoming more talked about it is logical that quantum management theory should replace a rules-based organisational, which was based on Newtonian physics.

Every particle, atom and molecule [photons, electrons or whole atoms] behaves by the laws of quantum mechanics – as does everything. However, this only becomes important when broken down into the atomic, sub-atomic and molecular scales. Quantum mechanics is trying to use the physics of things at the atomic level to create effects in the macroscopic world, our world.

Everything at the quanta level is related to everything else and affected by it as it is by itself. One particle can be in two places whilst it spins and vibrates. Particles only adopt one state or another when observed.


So why are we using the term quantum management? Traditional management is being replaced by quantum management as Newtonian Physics has been replaced and updated by Quantum Physics.

But I believe it goes further than that. It is the limitless relationship of particles that must be replicated in the business context for it to move forward because change is now hyperchange. Moore’s Law is about to be replaced by something which is thousands of times more powerful, so that change will increase in velocity. Simply, to react to change you must be part of it.

Instead of referring to quantum terms, we need an analogy.

The analogy

If we imagine an infinite tank of water and, into the tank, we drop a pebble, we will create a waveform or rings.

This waveform will spread out over the tank without being interfered with as our tank is infinite. If, however, we drop another pebble into the tank, the two waves will interfere with each other and create a new reality as a sort of mixture of the two waveforms so an interference pattern that will cause decoherence as it can be observed in traditional management structural thinking.

It is this interference pattern that is the true nature of the combined waves, not a singular entity (not to be confused with singularity in dynamical and social systems, a context in which a small change can cause a large effect) although the interference pattern can cause this too whatever the size of the pebble.

Of course, the size of the pebbles will make a big difference to this interference, the bigger pebble will have more effect in most instances although due to singularity this is not always the outcome, as will the location of the pebbles to each other, but the bigger pebble, however big, will not have a singular overriding effect, there will still be an interference pattern creating the real reality of the organisation. An organisation of course also has a lot of pebbles, not just two, in various positions all creating interference patterns!

We also have another constraint, and that is the tank itself for an organisation is not infinite.

When the waveforms hit the side of the tank, which is an organisation that is likely to be the rules and constraints and management structures of that organisation, they will create a washback. This washback is in effect another waveform created by way of the waves hitting the side of the tank and washing back to interfere with the original wave. This also creates an interference pattern, and therefore the reality within the organisation, I suppose one could try and constrain each individual pebble by a set of rules and regulations, but one would end up with total chaos in terms of waveforms and thus reality.

There is another issue that I think needs consideration, and that his organisations by themselves are very large, and living things, one could, and often does, examine everyone within an organisation or in another wider analogy, examine the customer separate from those paid staff within the company itself. The problem with this is to me it is a little bit like having a fish in a fish tank, placing one camera at the side of the tank on one camera at the end of the tank and seeing the two images, which of course will be different, one will have the fish swimming towards it, and one having the fish side on as been something different. When in effect they are part of the same fish. they are the same interference pattern and the same true reality if anything can be true.

So if I am thinking about quantum management, I have to be thinking in terms of waveforms created by individuals, and of, course, more than one waveform because each individual has multiple personalities, multiple characteristics and therefore multiple waveforms, causing interference patterns with both other individuals and the constraints of the “tank”, one could be bigger or smaller pebbles, depending on the structure of the organisation, and interference patterns created by the organisation and the rules of the constraint that are put in place all lead to the living reality of the organisation.

In this analogy, creativity is at the quantum or small level of small groups of people and, a company therefore must be organised in small groups with a fluid structure that can change.

This tank is in a sea of a limitless number of other tanks all related, and dependent.

Products, competitors, markets, technology, legislation, economics, and social change, all operate in a quantumly connected and ever-faster spinning environment. So, we are in the era fluidity but measurement of the quanta or smallest particles but which can only be measured when they are not being observed!

We need to leave behind our projections, and hierarchical command structures, that there is only one right answer.

Everything changes all the time…..

Our human insecurity wants to know things will always be the same.  But they are not. Time travel is now theoretically possible. God might be seen, and the concept of logic is not enough. We are in the era of understanding, of feelings and concepts, not facts.

So, what does this quantum structure look like?

The quantum structure is flat.

There is no ‘sandwich’ of middle management passing information on. Everyone is essentially on the same level.

The object is to get everyone reacting, anticipating, and creating.

The organisation becomes an organism with a life of its own.

The command structure is gone, and the annual appraisal is gone. Everyone is engaged and participating in the strategy. The objectives are simple and clear. The culture is relaxed and informal. People believe in their roles and the objectives of the business; the feeling is dynamic. Learning and creative thinking are highly prized.

Control and micromanagement are replaced by remote dynamic data analysis. Auditing and risk management are dynamic and interactive. There are no secrets only shared ambition and dynamism.

Projects run the business activities and workflow is constantly monitored with people working in small fluid teams composed of what contributions can be made based on skills and competencies.

The object is to make decisions fast.

Teams construct themselves around the projects rather than the reverse.

So, just as the world systems and thinking are changing according to the Quantum Physics thinking so business organisations must change also, because not to change is to die.

The Key Issue is the measurement of data

Measuring all this activity also requires a new type of thinking.

There is no time to gather data by polling people with questions.

That is a starting point but once the system is running the data is measured granularly through a workflow and project management system called fluidCulture.

All projects are managed through this and by looking at the communications and actions of the teams we can garner data on the way people, teams and the whole company are behaving and feedback information to everyone.

  • Project managers receive information relating to the project’s progress and obstacles.
  • Each person can see their own performance as can the HR department.
  • New learning and training are automatically suggested and assessed.
  • Performance development which is the cumulative report of progress is collated on the fly.
  • Auditing standards such as GDPR and risks standards (ISO) as well as any other reporting information are collected for summary reports or compliance audits.

The data gathering also replicates the laws of Quantum Physics.

The smallest micro measurements can inform us of trends and information we would not see in any other way.

Ultimately this could be summarised as the measurement of intangibles such as competency gains, performance development, learning, Total Societal Impact and ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance). ESG is part of TSI. ESG reporting is not quantitative but is only reported qualitatively. We propose to change this which will have profound and far-reaching effects.

If you can think about how a financial system works collecting all the data about financial transactions to produce reports and projections so fluidCulture gathers the intangible data.

The financial systems enable one to report on TSR (accounts, P&L Balance Sheet and financial performance).  

fluidCulture reports on TSI. This measurement means more with each passing year.